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The robust, versatile and professional coffee solution
The X8 is incredibly versatile: it can prepare the full range of speciality coffees finished with milk and milk foam as well as black coffees and the classic pot of coffee. For tea lovers, it also prepares hot water at different temperature levels. With its solid, height-adjustable dual spout, it can create a speciality coffee – or even two beverages simultaneously – and dispense them into the cups or glasses, at the touch of a button. The handy cup positioning aid makes it ideal for self-service. The same goes for the large, clearly arranged preparation buttons. Different speciality coffees can be positioned wherever you like on the display, according to your needs. Whether equipped with the standard large water tank or a sturdy fresh water kit, the X8 offers excellent performance whether in mobile use or in a fixed location.
For lovers of speciality coffee
Wherever customers, staff and visitors can enjoy superlative coffee, the atmosphere is relaxed, communicative and productive. Anyone who appreciates the finer things in life, a wide choice of speciality coffees and aesthetics will love the WE8.
A water tank with a 3 l holding capacity, a bean container for 500 g of coffee beans and a coffee grounds container with a capacity of 25 portions make the elegant professional coffee machine the ideal solution for locations where around 30 speciality coffees are consumed per day.
Innovative technologies revolutionise the enjoyment of coffee. The One-Touch function creates trend specialities like latte macchiato, flat white or cappuccino very simply at the touch of a button. Buttons on the front of the machine and a modern TFT display make operation incredibly simple even for inexperienced users.
Our postal address is
#3, 401 33 St NE
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2A 1X5
We can be reached via e-mail at info@thecoffeeconnection.ca
or you can reach us by telephone at 403-269-5977
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