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Zenius, the first coffee machine by Nespresso with all the right connections.
Ideal for any size of business where quality, intuition and simplicity are all important.
Fast and efficient, exceptional coffee and hot water are prepared quickly, at the touch of a button.
Recommended number of users: 10 or more
Dimensions (W x L x H) 30.5 cm x 50 cm x 55 cm
Capsule container capacity 40 capsules
2.5L Water tank or direct water connection
Weight 16 kg
Water pressure, 19 bars to release the coffee and its aromas
Power rating, 1200 Watts
Gemini | CS 220 PRO from Nespresso: share exceptional milk-based coffee recipes with your customers and employees.
Fitted with the double head technology and milk frothing function, this machine is perfect for Latte lovers as the CS 220 PRO makes flawless Cappuccinos and Latte macchiatos.
Simply choose from 3 programmable cup sizes: Ristretto, Espresso and Lungo and the machine will do the rest.
Aguila, the excellence on a grand scale. Professional barista tradition perfected by state of the art technology, with unmatched in-cup quality for high-volume establishments. At the touch of a button, prepare bespoke hot and cold coffee recipes and beverages to delight all your customers.
Our postal address is
#3, 401 33 St NE
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2A 1X5
We can be reached via e-mail at info@thecoffeeconnection.ca
or you can reach us by telephone at 403-269-5977
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